Data set(s) required: Token’s SubGraph

Visualization type: sankey diagram

Returns: List of wallet addresses that received <token> from <multisig address> in the last <x> days. (flow thickness is proportional to amount of tokens transferred)

Syntax: !daodash distributions multisig_address [start_date] [end_date] [token_address1 .. token_addressN]

bracketed parameters are optional

mutlisig_address: multisig wallet address from which funds were distributed (in 0x format)

start_date (required): limits output only to transactions that occurred on or after start_date (in mm-dd-yyyy format) Default is 30 days prior to today’s date.

end_date (optional): limits output only to transactions that occurred on or before end_date (in mm-dd-yyyy format). Default is today’s date.

This assumes that DAOs have their own native token and w

Process Flow - Insight #1

Action Items