Changing the Game With Variable Compensation | BanklessDAO Weekly Rollup

Catch Up With What Happened This Week in BanklessDAO

Dear Bankless Nation 🏴,

What a week! But the BanklessDAO family is still heads-down buidling. With projects and governance proposals coming in hot, we are not only buidling things, but are actually working on the very foundations of our DAO too.

The GSE team has drafted its first proposal: the DAO Constitution & Improvement Proposal Standard [bDIP-0], which aims to properly structure our organizational and governance processes. With the BanklessDAO Constitution & Community Handbook, they are moving to have all foundational documents in one place to ensure easy accessibility.

Another proposal in the Forum discusses the migration of our financial operations to Polygon, with an eye on mitigating the high gas costs on Ethereum Mainnet and expanding BANK’s utility into a multichain world.

With the launch of Sats & Gwei, a weekly podcast on crypto and blockchain happenings all over Africa, BanklessAfrica is putting the ‘B’ in Buidling. They are showing no signs of slowing down, bringing the latest updates to the crypto curious and those who have already found their footing in this space.

Finally, having launched two collections — Work/Life, and Forever DreamLanz and Migrants NFT are in the midst of raising funds during Gitcoin Grants Round 14. The project creates NFTs based on powerful stories from the migrant worker community.

It’s been a heck of week my friends — settle in with the Rollup, listen to a podcast, read an article or two, and remember that together, we go further.

Contributors: HAshBrown27, ****Paulito, WinVerse, Jake and Stake, ****d0wnlore, Trewkat, siddhearta, hirokennelly.eth, Ornella


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