Happy 2nd Birthday BanklessDAO! | BanklessDAO Weekly Rollup

Catch Up With What Happened This Week in BanklessDAO

Dear Bankless Nation 🏴,

It has been an amazing two years of huge success and achievements in the DAO as we steward the Bankless movement, progressing the world towards a future of greater freedom. In the past two years the DAO has seen many crypto newbies become pros in the web3 space. While the DAO may not be able to take full credit for their success, we can be confident that our community is a catalyst for ideas, relationships, and action.

This is evident when you discover that Bankless Rewards — a.k.a Thrivecoin — which rewards bDAO contributors with raffle entries for their contributions, has so far recorded 321 bDAO contributors and a total of 2,151 contributions in Season 7!

****It’s been a busy and eventful ****season, and it’s time to celebrate the second anniversary of the DAO. At this week’s Community Call, Ryan Sean Adams and David Hoffman reflected on the DAO’s origin, and expressed awe at how far the DAO has come.

For this week’s editorial, Rollup Coordinators HiroKennelly and Trewkat spread the good vibes about the incredible community we have. As Hiro notes, “We could write a long article recounting our wins and our losses, the triumphs and struggles within our community. But that’s not what birthdays are for. Birthdays are for celebrating”.

So, BanklessDAO, we celebrate you! Enjoy a fabulous Gap Week and we’ll see you for a clean slate in Season 8.

Contributors: Melasin, Warrior, Paulito, Allyn Bryce, WinVerse, theconfusedcoin, anointingthompson1.eth, Trewkat, HiroKennelly


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✅ Action Items

🗳 Vote on the Season 8 Seasonal Funding and the Season 8 Specification on Snapshot.

🏫 Share your thoughts on the Helix.im AI chat support proposal.

🫂 Praise a fellow contributor in the hype-and-recognition channel.

🏃‍♀️ Catch up: Review this week's Community Call notes or listen to the recording.

🏛 Governance