Understanding and Improving tlBANK Functionality | BanklessDAO Weekly Rollup

Catch Up With What Happened This Week in BanklessDAO

Dear Bankless Nation 🏴,

When it comes to building in the web3 space, it is a gradual process that is served well by contributors’ willingness to implement new ideas that could add more value for the users.

To this end, Crypto Sapiens has some updates for us. After a long-time focusing mainly on podcasts, the project team has decided to try out a new strategy — the newsletter-first strategy. The newsletter is now the Crypto Sapiens home page, and the podcasts and other business initiatives will support newsletter growth. This decision was made due to the cost and time commitment involved in production of each podcast episode.

Crypto Sapiens is also in the process of creating community forums where folks can join conversations or start their own. One idea under consideration is making the Crypto Sapiens Discord server private and creating an listener NFT which will serve as access to the server plus other utility. The goal is to grow and bring more value to users, and in this Crypto Sapiens is on the right track.

Likewise, the DAO is looking to bring more value and utility to tlBANK. For this week’s editorial, Boluwatife investigated some of the questions around the locking new feature of BANK ownership which has the potential to change the way contributors hold and are rewarded with BANK.

Speaking of hodling, the combined OP voting weight of BanklessDAO via DAOStewards is up to 30,000 OP! This is thanks to our awesome delegatoors. Great work is also going on in ArbitrumDAO governance thanks to DAOStewards.

This week’s Rollup features updates from Bankless Academy and the Global Events team at Ibiza, as well as the usual essential info on governance, education sessions, and consumable content. Enjoy!

Contributors: Boluwatife, ****Warrior, theconfusedcoin, anointingthompson1.eth, Paulito, Vi-Fi, NF Thinker, Ornella, Trewkat, HiroKennelly,


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🎥 AV Guild is open for YouTube upload submissions at 1250 BANK each.