Inclusive Consistency From Our Grants Committee | BanklessDAO Weekly Rollup

Catch Up With What Happened This Week in BanklessDAO

Dear Bankless Nation 🏴,

Have we finally figured out brand clarity? A lot was discussed in our most recent community call. Ryan was joined on stage by several BanklessDAO contributors to finally put the brand clarity conversation to bed. Tons of ideas and suggestions were made to not only aid this discussion but to also address issues regarding sustainability within the DAO. Ryan eventually sighted a “TED vs TEDx” model that could work for bDAO and we urge the community to give this a look.

Speaking about DAO sustainability, the Grants Committee elections are live. Here is an opportunity to advance the DAO’s mission, build lasting financial structures, and shape the future of the organization via governance. This week’s editorial further highlights the importance of the GC and why they are an essential unit in the DAO.

In other news, bDAO projects are firing on all cylinders, and CryptoSapiens seems to be leading the way. The project brought in two podcast hosts for the new season and is currently undergoing a website revamp. We can’t wait to see what CryptoSapiens have got planned for us this year and we know it’s only up from here.

Are you ready for Bankless Card? A lot is happening within the Bankless Cardigans group, and the most notable has to be the public launch. Yes, there were a few glitches in December but Bankless Card will be live this February 2024. Contributor NFTs were airdropped to the passionate individuals who have been a part of their journey, and Patrons were not left out either. Visit your favorite NFT viewer and you should see them in the hidden tab.

It’s just the start of the year, there are so many moving parts but we will do our best to ensure you can keep up. Have an amazing weekend!

Contributors: **Lucent1, Chameleon, Warrior, Paulito, Vi-Fi, Kornekt, WinVerse


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🎙️ Listen to Making Bank’s latest episode, BanklessCard is Shipping.