Ideation II: A Fun-Filled Mission? | BanklessDAO Weekly Rollup

Catch Up With What Happened This Week in BanklessDAO

Dear Bankless Nation 🏴,

It's the wrap of another busy week in the community and the ecosystem. Our Community Call took a brief pause as a majority of folks were out at ETHDenver. Contents across blockchain technology, decentralization, education, community, and culture are being served while having fun along the way.

Also, Bankless Academy's workshop on "Finding Your Path in Web3," made it to the #ETHBucharest stage, with the conference to be held later this month. That should be fun as well.

Keeping up with the fun, we continue the Governance retro discussion in this week's editorial, where we talk about the DAO's mission. Should it be solely functional? Spiced with fun? Or both?

As Haile Selassie said, an awareness of our past is essential to the establishment of our identity. With that said, head on to the Forum, let your thoughts be known, and participate in the retro. The BanklessDAO brand belongs to us and its mission is as important as its identity.

Rest, read, and recharge for the coming week.

Contributors: Lucent1, Tonytad, Apotieri, anointingthompson1, Warrior, Paulito, Kornekt, WinVerse


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🎳 Have fun at ETHDenver.

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