What’s Up BanklessDAO? | BanklessDAO Weekly Rollup

Catch Up With What Happened This Week in BanklessDAO

Dear Bankless Nation 🏴,

A popular saying goes thus, “friends are the family we choose for ourselves.” As cliché as that may sound, it was demonstrated in the love and happiness shared by community members at ETHDenver. It was exciting connecting with folks both on a professional and personal level. We welcome everyone back and look forward to all the mind-blowing things we'll do together.

It was a burst of good vibes, laughter, and positive energy in this week's CC as community members shared their experiences, projects, and hopes for the future. Physically connecting with friends from the online space was a joy, and it reaffirmed our vision. Indeed, we might not know what we are doing, but we are sure we want to do it together.

On the governance side of things, BanklessDAO would be going on a funding pause as the DAO is still undergoing reorganization. You can join the discussion on Forum and follow the conversation on the Governance call on Mondays. For more on governance, BanklessHQ has returned BANK to the DAO. You can check out this week's editorial to get more information on that.

With that said, enjoy your weekend and Happy International Women’s Day to all the brilliant and astonishing women in bDAO and the web3 community at large. We love and celebrate you!

Contributors: Boluwatife, anointingthompson1, **Tonytad, Warrior, Paulito, Vi-Fi, Kornekt, WinVerse


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✍️ Join the Discussion on bDAO Reorg

🏃‍♀️ Catch up: Review this week's Community Call notes or listen to the recording.