Mission: Solve the compensation problem at BanklessDAO

Weekly Meeting: Tuesdays at 4:00 PM UTC

Threads in main channel ——>

Multisig: 0xFE9D433a78c2F9228c91666770174145b7e1E2DD

BANKLESS Rapid Thrive Onboarding


Season History/Plan

Community success

Community Call Slide Workstream

Milestones to mark

Corruption/gaming resistance

Sustainability engineering

Brand syndication

Listing guidelines:

Reward actions that bring revenue to the project/treasury Reward actions that propagate awareness of the project Reward actions that promote cross project interaction Reward actions that foster community buy in/feedback Reward actions that you depend on the community for, especially if they are a challenge to keep getting done

How to get listed (draft)

Reward structure

Active Contribution types

2st Draft - S7 Thrivecoin Workstream Funding Proposal

Tasks (weekly time estimate): ernest proposes removing now that kanban is here

CRM Guide

The objective of this Airtable CRM is to have visibility and keep track of the Leads, Projects and Campaigns we manage with our partners and what agreements we make. It is done in airtable and not directly in Notion to make it more flexible regarding having multiple tables connected with each other.

https://airtable.com/shrZlJ90zGE1WhApL password: banklessdao

Kanban Guide