1. What is the core purpose and mission of your brand? Understanding the brand's essence will help in selecting a name that aligns with its identity.

    The _________ incubator is a program that gives very early-stage web3 communities and content creators access to mentorship, investors, and other support to help them get established.

  2. Who is your target audience? What are their demographics, interests, and preferences? The name should resonate with your ideal customers.

    Non-English speaking web3 communities?

  3. What are the unique selling points or key attributes of your brand that you want the name to convey?

    The incubator has clear knowledge of how to spin up media content creation and local communities in web3.

  4. Are there specific emotions or feelings you want the brand name to evoke in customers? Inclusiveness?

  5. Do you have any specific themes, values, or personality traits you want the brand name to reflect? International

  6. Are there any words, phrases, or themes that should be avoided in the brand name? Do we want to keep having the name Bankless in the branding? What are the pros and cons of this?

  7. Are there any competitors in your industry, and have you reviewed their brand names to ensure differentiation?

  8. Do you want a brand name that is descriptive, abstract, or a coined word? What are your preferences?

  9. Are there any linguistic or cultural considerations for the brand name, especially if you plan to expand internationally?

  10. Have you considered the availability of domain names and social media handles for the chosen brand name?

  11. Are there any naming conventions or guidelines specific to your industry or niche? Bankless?

  12. Have you conducted trademark searches to ensure the legal availability of the brand name?

  13. What is the long-term vision for your brand, and how flexible does the chosen name need to be to accommodate potential future changes or expansions?

  14. Do you have a preference for a short and memorable name, or are you open to longer, more descriptive options?


Bankless Global Incubator

Bankless International Media Node Incubator (BIMNI)