General Discovery
Researched by: Jaris James
About the event
- Project: Collab.Land
- Guests: Anjali Young, Co-Founder and CCO of Abridged, proud makers of Collab.Land
- Topic: Serving Tokenized Communities
- Event schedule: March 8, 2022
About our guest speaker
- Anjali Young (Twitter: **https://twitter.com/damaderoca** ) (Discord: Anjali | Damaderoca#0001)
- Write a short bio about the guest(s) including their role at the project they are speaking about.
- Anjali is currently taking improv acting classes, and has been an improv actor for 2.5 years. Prior to working in web3, Anjali has been an online community manager since the dial-up BBS days in 1993. Anjali spent 25 years as a community manager on LiveJournal (focused on Adoption) and Facebook. Anjali’s Facebook community had roughly 60,000 members.
- James, Anjali’s Husband and founder of Abridged, the company that creted Collab.Land has been in crypto since 2016. Anjali, recently got involved in crypto in 2019 by contributing to Abridged & Collab.Land as the CCO (Chief Community Officer). Anjali and James Lived off of ETH since 2016, by selling at every price imaginable.
- Anjali realized that community is translating to crypto assets. People are becoming more and more involved in the digital world, than the physical world, but people still needs to express themselves, and showcase their status. Anjali’s 25 years of community management experience was put to good use by becoming the CCO of Collab.Land.
- Anjali’s greatest achievement in web3 was co-finding the first bot integration that verifies credentials on the blockchain (currently 3.4 million connected wallets). Collab.Land is working towards a future where users own their own data, she is helping to forge a new path, she is passionate about transforming the internet into what is should’ve been since its inception.
About the project
- What is the general positioning of the project? i.e. DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, governance.
- Verification layer for crypto communities/Community management tool. Collab.Land services DAOs initially, now the NFT Community, and assists with governance as well.
- What is the value proposition of the project? How does it clearly differentiate itself from others in the web3 space?
- First project for token granted access. Abridged, the company that created Collab.Land is a no-code tooling platform that focuses on bridging web2 to web3. The first implementation of their no-code tooling software is Collab.Land.
- How does it benefit it community members and general web3 communities at large?
- Collab.Land benefits the community by providing token granted access. This allows an escape from trolls, and Improves tokenized online communities. (been around for about a year).
- Is it bridging blockchains, protocols, tools, communities, etc.?
- Serves community on multiple chains. Reads public blockchains as a source of truth. Collab.Land is currently functions on Discord and Telegram, but will possibly be on Reddit and Twitter in the future.
- Does it bring a unique vision or approach to solve challenges in web3?
- Collab.Land is the first project for token granted access, and remove trolls from online communities.
- How does it improve the web3 ecosystem?
- Collab.Land improves the web3 ecosystem by removing trolls from web3 communities. Collab.Land allows community members to get into a room with stakeholders of a specific project, and to build a community from the ground up. Verifiable credentials is on the roadmap. Gatekeepers will be removed once the platform becomes fully decentralized, the current gatekeepers are the Collab.Land team. The project will be community owned, and the DAO will be launched March 8th. Working towards full decentralization.