Twitch Recording:
Speaker: 0xLucas
Claim your POAPs one hour after Community Call. should be typical /claim event
L2 Nominations
Grants Committee
Governance & Forum Posts. A handful of Governance posts this week. Check them out on the forums
Coordinape Sign-up next week - Feb 3rd through 7th, sign up next week for the month of Jan. Stay on the lookout for signup next week
**Olympus Pro -** We can buy tokens on discount and this will help the DAO treasury. Discounts change daily depending on demand
Balancer Pool -
He is stepping down and focusing on his mental health. He is not going anywhere and will still be here, but will be a more passive participant than an active role. Extremely bullish on the DAO, and Frog stepping down will give others the possibility to step up. He is doing what is best for both his mental health and the DAO. He is still here!
Speakers: Kouros & Crypto Bushi
Short animation film, representing falling down the rabbit hole and becoming a DAOPunk! A collaboration with Sinjun and Kouros