
  1. Welcome
    1. Announcements
      1. Writers Guild & Good Morning News Collaboration Proposal appears that it will pass with overwhelming support. Next steps: begin the process of integration:
      2. Multi-sig signer election is up! Current holders are nonsense, Ap0ll0, FreedomFighter, Jake and Stake, siddhearta, and tomahawk. This would add one more signer and flip the requirement to a 5 of 7 confirmation wallet. Vote here for your candidate of choice:
      3. DAO Heat update (FreedomFighter)
      4. Marketing & Writers Guilds Pilot
      5. SHIRTS (tomahawk)
    2. New Member Welcome
      1. Newsletter plug
      2. Yofi
      3. Exilyse from Education Guild
  2. Discussion
    1. Compensation! (sidd)
      1. up bounties for contributed work
      2. hold 1k bank per hour for roles
      3. up editorials and staff editors bounties
        1. editorial change 3 bank/ word max up to 4k?
        2. content sliding scale 1000-2000
          1. change 1500-3000
        3. copy is 500
          1. change 1000
      4. peg to amount?
    2. SubDAO continued
      1. Alternative governance platforms