
  1. Welcome
  2. Talent Scout Announcements with Samanthaj
    1. New Member Onboarding
      1. Nice job new writers and editors! And congrats Kalex on your editing skills!
    2. New member introductions
      1. Hi Adam Davidson
      2. Hi Floptomist Prime
    3. Additional announcements
      1. Editing Kanban is going async. Check the thread under the editors channel.
      2. The Top Edit with Adam Davison. Tue at 6am PST and Thur at 7am PST.
        1. check sesh
      3. Writers Guild Twitter! Check the thread under writers-general.
        1. Sync at Wed at 1pm PST.
  3. State of the Guild with Ap0ll0517
    1. Import BANK token for new wallet owners
    2. Season 1 EPA remunerations sent Friday.
    3. BANK, stable coins, Perp = $32K USD worth of assets in the guild
  4. Mastermind Group Updates with Siddhearta
    1. Upload your pitch for next session: Scribe's Desk
    2. Next week Wednesday is next meeting
      1. Pitching next week!
  5. Guild-wide Discussion Points
    1. Check the threads under writers-general and editors to dive deep into the guild
  6. Team Updates
    1. Newsletter Team Updates with Siddhearta
      1. Weekly Rollup
        • Editorial: Jake and Stake
          • DAO Growth
        • Front end: EthHunter
        • Back end: siddhearta
        • Editor: EricCMack
      2. Decentralized Art
      3. Decentralized Law
      4. State of the DAOs
        1. Yearn sponsor?
        2. Changes to editorial process
          1. Two weeks prior to shipping, outline must be submitted. Rough draft the following Thursday. Ready to ship by Monday
          2. Create structural outline/pitch for editorial pieces
          3. First draft due one week prior to publication
      5. Get Involved
        1. Thursday Team Sync meetings 9am PST
        2. Newsletter Team page
    2. EPA
      1. Editorial and Publishing updates
        1. Please comment on the EPA budget proposal now in forum.
        2. Writers: submissions for EPA should include cover images. Art+Words=Happy readers.
        3. Take the editing test if you want to edit.
        4. Let's encourage people to write and submit so we can get more voices
      2. Client Services with Frank America
        1. Four new articles with iTrust Capital.
        2. If you want to apply for client services, you have to take the writing test. Do it!
        3. 2nd MakerDAO article in the works
        4. Shoutout to Theophile and others who worked on the Ledger pieces
        5. Perpetual Protocol article coming out soon. Thanks Katrina for the edits!
  7. Governance with Frogmonkee
    1. Governance today at 12pm PST.
      1. We are building the foundation and framework for how the Writers Guild operates. Please join us to set the guild on solid footing for future growth.
    2. Nonsense: Governance Is Everybody's Job
    3. If you can't attend, please comment on the proposal in the Governance thread under writers-general
    4. Let's not forget about selecting someone for a dedicated governance role
  8. Book Club - Date?
    1. Going through the style guides (AP, MLA, Chicago, Elements)
      1. Starting with Elements of Style