
  1. Welcome!
  2. Announcements
    1. DAO-wide Coordinape: last day to sign up is today. Go to the bot commands channel and use the /coordinape form-request command to get yourself the proper form and get signed up.
    2. Governance updates (Jake and Stake)
      1. Nomination period is over, election is live now!
      2. Trewkat is withdrawing her nomination
    3. DAO Heat
  3. New Member Intros
    1. gezznz
      1. exploring DAOs - what’s the future of work?
      2. has blog writing and copy writing experience
    2. bananachain
      1. looking around, fact finding, learning where to contribute
  4. Open Discussion
    1. DeFiPedia needs a writer!

      1. if interested, reply to AAJ
    2. Repurposing Role Bounty Pools for Staff Editor Leads payout

      1. Sam wants to reward Trewkat and Siddhearta for their work into laying the groundwork for the staff editors
      2. Here is the BANK allocations for each office

      Screenshot from 2022-02-07 12-43-20.png

      iii. Governance office has no bounty pool available

      iv. nonsense suggested 3k BANK a week

      1. Ap0ll0 confirmed that there is 8 weeks left in the season
      2. Trewkat suggested 2K BANK a week
      3. No objections to rewarding Trewkat and siddhearta 2K BANK a week
    3. Writing “Sprint”

    4. Collaboration with Marketing Guild

      1. opportunity to collab which will free writers to write instead of focusing on social media strategy and marketing our writing
      2. We would commit writers to writing content for social media campaigns
      3. nonsense suggested we start creating the framework for how this could work
        1. what’s the pipeline? what’s the compensation structure? are writers or editors needed?
      4. Frank America would like to see our authors on more platforms and attracting new talent with this collab
      5. Farmer expressed that there’s a need for a copywriter for an external DAO
  5. Closing