Only 1 hand raise ( There are two seats available, position needs one more volunteer )
Requirements: L1
Role description: Coordinator has to pay attention to the dev guild, and work together with other talent coordinator to assign dev-talents to projects.
Time Expectation: 10hrs+/wk
Only 1 election?
James Montgomery stated that we have bunch of projects, and talents. The talent coordinator will sync this. We will also be learning and adjusting for season 3.
Dev guild talent placement
Revenue percentage
#5380 Supported the idea of multiple financial framework with the example of some projects will be dedicated to the DAO.
Internal vs external projects consideration
James Montgomery mentioned a possibility for the dev-guild to develop a service catalog menu - Badvoltage#1000 , ‣ supports this idea
Internal to the DAO - we are componesated by the DAO(?)
External projects - potentially allow fee or revenue percentage
DeArts #12 also raised the thought about the overarching concept of decentralization. Who owns the project? Guild, team or DAO?
( Look at the Writer's guild payment model. DeArts #12 has a understanding of their framework ) - "Thinking about a parallel on how the writer's guild operate" - James Montgomery
DevGuild works with DAOPunks & get a percentage of the revenue. ( This is a model we can look into for building a more structured financial plan.
DAO time off
Solidity Literacy training
@James Montgomery raised a point about building a new governance bot for elections.
Action Items:
[ ] Create a financial framework plan within the dev-guild before taking it out to the broader DAO for Season 3.