Dework is meant to be a replacement for the bounty board. It is a Web3 Version of Trello, meant to enable us to envision tasks as they are completed for the network.
For us to finally decide that we are going to have a smooth running work flow, we need to utilize the systems that are available for us. Here’s your best bet on how to use dework to make bounties work for you.
This will solve:
- Organization - Crypto Sapiens has such potential, but its unorganized. Using a Trello-like (kanban board) project management tool can assist leads in understanding where each project is in the workflow, and can assist in reducing any friction that has occurred in the past.
- Payments. Payments aren’t processed in a timely fashion. Some contributors are using this as a form of making ends meet, and having payments not processed consistently can make engagement a huge issue. Workgroup leads aren’t submitting budgets in time, and there are discrepancies in budgets. Dework will help with better consistency with payments. More consistency, more engagement. More engagement, more promotion. etc.
- Cooperation - You can better cooperate with workgroup leads when you can better visualize the bounties that need to be completed between the workgroups. Better cooperation, less of a chance of hiccups.
Roles In Mind: These are the goals of each role in mind.
Workgroup Leads:
An Old Wiseman said, “It will work, if you work it”. Make this tool work for you. You can (and should) do so by putting a bit of work in to dework at first.
Decide on which tasks work best as bounties, and which tasks work best if you just complete them yourself.
When you post bounties, they will be cross posted in Discord. I’ve noticed that tasks that get posted in discord, they fall into the massive hole that is a discord conversation. Think about posting your bounty to dework FIRST, since it will post in discord anyway.
When initially logging into DeWork and Selecting “Crypto Sapiens”, you should see this screen;

The above screen is your dashboard. you can click on each project, add tasks, create projects. You can also create a workspace. This is a good place to add information about the NFT project, and the Website. It can be very tricky to put information in discord, and hope that you can still find it 2, 3 weeks form now.
Some Quick Notes on Workspaces: