Agenda Discussion Points
- nonsense proposed an idea from a convo he had with hiro
- the goal is to encourage writers to be more vulnerable and willing to share work that is not polished and needs work
- how do we get people to open up?
- rianz thinks it would be a great idea to have a buddy to help someone like her who is still learning the space and is unsure who the audience is
- hiro gave a shoutout to those involved in the most recent published article about NFTs
- he feels that the new staff editor process is working more efficiently
- he thinks that we’ll improve this process especially once we start mentoring people
- maybe we can start mentoring this season?
- tomahawk thinks we should focus more on the editing framework before we start trying to mentor people
- Let’s talk style guide
- sdnegel thinks it will be difficult to create our own style guide
- nonsense initially wanted to create our own style guide but he realized that it is a beast to try to do that
- sdnegel thinks we could pick a style guide and just use that.
- rianz said that APA seems to be the best writing style to fit our writing style and needs. Each style guide (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) have their own nuances and preferred between different professions.
- Editing Framework
- trewkat tried to gather and combine different suggestions from the guild as to how we should write or examples of good writing
- includes examples for reference for tone of voice and used of terms - when to use jargon and when to explain jargon
- we want to keep a consistent look and feel between all of our writers while keeping everyone’s individual voice
- this document is open for comments and edits
- IP discussion
Action Items