You're reading State of the DAOs, the high-signal low-noise newsletter for understanding DAOs.

As readers know, gaming DAOs are on fire. In fact, Game7 DAO has been our sponsor for the last several months, and they are one of many DAOs making big inroads into building blockchain into a new era of gaming.

In this issue we take a first-person perspective on gaming DAOs, looking at the various models in play and loading you up with some examples to check out for yourself. It’s not clear yet whether web3 is infiltrating gaming or gaming is infiltrating web3, but bit by bit we’re seeing gaming guilds and communities awaken to the power of tokenized ownership.

“As the gaming industry continues to grow and evolve, GameDAOs will likely play an increasingly important role in shaping its direction and providing new opportunities. Whether you are a casual gamer looking to connect with others, an investor looking for opportunities in the gaming industry, or an esports fan looking to support your favourite team, there is likely a Game DAO out there for you.”

Also in this issue we summarise some excellent longform content that is worth your time to read in full. It’s fair to say that the honeymoon period might be over for DAOs. While there is plenty of inherent value in the tooling and processes developed by DAOs, and even the potential for this to assist cooperatives to scale more effectively, challenges remain in the form of contributor working conditions and the ever-present regulatory quagmire. It’s time to consider what works, what doesn’t, what the opportunities are, and what limitations exist for DAOs.

It’s time to take a closer look at the state of the DAOs.

Contributors: BanklessDAO Writers Guild (boluwatife, angelspeaks, Quilia, Warrior, Vi-Fi, Chameleon, trewkat, Kornekt, HiroKennelly, siddhearta)

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🙏Thanks to our Sponsor

Game7 DAO

Game7 is excited to launch Summon, our novel DAO governance platform.

Summon is a community LiveOps tool that takes governance to the next level by making it easy for DAOs to measure the contributions of their members, and reward them in ways that go beyond money.

How it works: Each community member mints a Soulbound NFT that evolves as the member contributes to the community, making the NFT upgradeable and unique. As each contributor completes quests and tasks, they earn experience points (XP), which help them move up in rank and unlock features and rewards in real time.

By tracking, measuring, and rewarding contributions, Summon provides decision-making capabilities to those who invest time and effort into the community, as opposed to only those who contribute capital.

The result is a meritocratic governance model that distributes power and governing rights to the most productive members of the community.