“Governance is everyone’s responsibility.”

The Governance Accelerator Program exists to facilitate, educate, and promote competency in the realm of governance. The primary mission of this program is to develop skills that will allow members of the Guild, and of the DAO, to feel confident in approaching, exploring, and taking on roles of leadership and coordination. This will be accomplished through an immersive curriculum of political and general philosophy, exercises in critical thinking, and the development of thought experiments.

This program does not seek to instill a particular way of thinking regarding governance, but rather to free you of all constraints surrounding your thinking in the realm of politics and coordination.

The existence for such a program is not only recommended, but a necessary component in an organization that seeks to govern itself by way of open contribution and development. Governance is everyone’s responsibility, and to fulfill that responsibility well, the constructs that have been created around who can lead and why they can lead must be redefined.

Curriculum will include, but not be limited to, reading articles and excerpts of articles and books; discussion around the reading(s) for each week; and submitting written assignments based on the reading(s) for each week. Furthermore, a Mirror.xyz account will be established to publish and highlight the best pieces each week, based on the feedback of the entire group.

As a participant, you will become a better writer, and you will become a better thinker. But it will take work. The only two requirements for admission into the program are 1) you must be a member of BanklessDAO in good standing, and 2) you must be willing to show up for the work.

This program lasts approximately one season. Participants who complete the program in its entirety will qualify for a certificate of completion; remuneration for the time and effort spent in the program, paid out from the Governance Coordinator’s bounty pool; and a POAP designating each participant as qualified for service at any level of coordination.

If you are interested in participating, reach out nonsensetwice#3475 via DM or in the Writers Governance channel. I look forward to working with each and everyone one of you who commits your time and energy to this program.


Written Assignment Instructions

Block One

Block Two

Assignments Tracker


Governance Accelerator Program Agendas and Notes


S5 Participants