Step 1: Identify The Page

Identify which page or section of a page you need access to. Simply follow the breadcrumbs at the top of each page. In this case, we need access to the Administrator Workgroup page.


Step 2: Determine Which Guild Owns The Page

Determine the page owner. Based on the breadcrumbs, determine which guild or project owns a particular page. In this case, we can see that the Education Guild owns this Administrator Workgroup page.


Step 3: Find The Correct Notion Admin

Determine the relevant Notion Administrator. Follow the link below to find the individual responsible for this page. This list may change season-to-season, so it is good practice to verify the contact person before pinging anyone.

Group Notion Admins


In this example, we can see that Quietfox and 0xZFi.eth are responsible for the Education Guild Notion pages. These are the people you should contact for edit access for the Administrator Workgroup page.

Step 4: Communicate in Public

Ping the admin(s) in a public Discord channel and explain the context of what you want to edit and why. It is important to keep the request in a high visibility area for transparency and to ensure your request does not get lost in the flow of other posts.

Step 5: Communicate in DMs

Once you’ve made contact with the Notion Administrator in a public Discord channel, you will need to share your email address with the admin in a DM. The admin will then be able to invite you to make edits to the page you’re trying to access!