What is Tally?

Tally allows you to create simple forms that can be shared with various users in and outside of the bDAO community.

Link to Tally: https://www.tally.so

When should I integrate Tally with Notion?

Integrating a Tally form with Notion will allow you to automatically populate a database in Notion with the responses that you receive on your Tally form. All responses can be mapped to a database’s data attributes.

Example Use Case

The design guild has set up a Contributor List database within their guild: https://www.notion.so/bankless/Contributor-List-Design-Guild-78bf2d584de5477bb15759c7f3500759

This form tracks all the contributors that have helped out with their guild’s projects. They have also built a form that contributors can use to fill out their information here: https://tally.so/r/nr0gL3

When a user fills out the contributor form, a new line item is automatically added to the Contributor List database, making it easy for the Design Guild Administrator to track contributors without having to give edit access to people outside of the bDAO organization.


A paid Tally Pro account is required for this integration to work. The Notion integration as well as the ability to invite users to a Tally workspace is only available for Tally Pro accounts.