Author: GPe#6138

Date: 16.3.2022


This is a proposal to fund the daowide initiative Language Round Tables which is an informal get-together of Natives and Language Learners who can improve their language skills via a casual conversation.


The Language Round Tables initiative was met with relative excitement from the community (positive comments during CC call and support during TG weekly). However, when it came to setting the actual sessions, few natives have responded and actually showed desire to participate.

The target of this proposal is to create an incentive for native speakers to invest at least one hour for participation and probably at least 30 more minutes in preparation of the event. Since this is an event which would mainly benefit participants, a stimulus needs to be put in place for natives to take some time to take part.

To encourage Language Learners’ attendance, a POAP will be distributed commemorating the attendance of each participant, both Natives and Language Learners.


The Language Round Tables not only aim to educate bDAO contributors in terms of improving their language skills, but are also a tool for community building and connecting. Conversations that take place during an LRT event are not determined in advance, there are no guidelines.The assumption is that participants would begin by introducing themselves and a casual talk would ensue.

Such informal conversations that are not necessarily structured around work as most DAO meetings are, can become a great way for bDAO members to get to know each other (and each other’s contributions) better, creating a stronger and more united community.


The Language Round Tables sessions are events that take place in a voice channel accessible by all DAO members, usually the Watercooler, so they are open to everyone. There are two types of participants in each session: Natives and Learners. In order to join, DAO members can visit this Dashborad. It contains information about: