Understanding ZK-EVM Types | Layer 2 Review

Quick Reads and Hot Links Covering the People and Projects Who Are Scaling Ethereum

Dear Frens,

In recent months we’ve been working in BanklessDAO to fulfill our obligations as part of Optimism’s Collective Intent 3: Spread Awareness of the Optimistic Vision. To celebrate, we shipped eight of our Optimism-focused articles on BanklessDAO’s Mirror page. These articles are available as free, open-edition, digital collectibles, helping you to curate writings on one of the most impactful ecosystems in web3.

Even before that Mission, we’d written a lot about Optimism, and it’s time to turn our attention to different scaling solutions. Last week, Bankless Publishing shipped an article entitled Understanding ZK-EVM Types, and it’s gone a bit crypto viral, with more than 163 (update) likes. Given the demand for this knowledge, we’re going to ship the same article in this newsletter too. If you want more of this type of easy-to-understand technical content, please let us know in this issue’s Poll Station 🗳️!

In addition to ZK-EVM upskilling, this issue is packed with our regular sections, including Governance, Airdrop Station, Data, Project Watch, and Ecosystems update. We’re aiming to make this newsletter your fortnightly source for L2 news and trends. If you have any hot tips or just want to let us know how we’re doing, please DM Bankless Publishing on X. Thank you for being on this journey with us. ❤️

Contributors: Warrior, Chameleon, jengajojo, Lisa Akselrod, thinkDecade, trewkat, HiroKennelly


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From the OP Forum: