Title: Marketing Guild Season 4 Budget Proposal

Date Created: 2022-04-12

Date Posted: 2022-04-18


The Marketing guild asks for 792’000 BANK for season 4. This slight increase comes from a larger bounty pool that will help us to use more of the existing marketing talent within the guild.



With the launch of season 3 we started to get more organized as a guild in order to continue with our two main tasks: Firstly, onboard people to web3 and educate those users with trusted content. Secondly, run internal or external campaigns for up-and-coming projects and start to become more self-sustainable in terms of revenue over time.

During Season 3 we grew from 19 active contributors to 31 active contributors. This 63% growth in active talent helped us to work on multiple channels and projects in parallel. As a result of this growth, we were able to increase the number of Marketing Talent that holds L2 status

New Marketing Packages 1 were formed (Reach, Engagement, Growth) to attract and sell more campaigns. A Notion Campaign Database was introduced to improve the campaign planning and documentation. We were able to grow our own social media reach by distributing educational content (i.e. Polygon Explainer).

We grew our Twitter Profile by +29.7% and we now reach 47,000 users on Twitter. We gained 581 Instagram Followers in 2022 and currently sit at almost 1,400 Followers. On TikTok we reached 2,500 Views in February. The marketing guild also started a LinkedIn profile in season 3 to connect with professionals and educate them about the possibilities in web3. We now reach 352 Followers on LinkedIn. In collaboration with the OPS Guild, we also started to support the community on gm.xyz 1 with the rework of the text blocks, channel architecture and the aim to increase the daily usage on that platform.

We also ran campaigns for the IdolsNFT, DegenBlues NFT, CitaDAO, UltrasoundMerch, and supported bDAO teams like Fight Club along their journey. Through those various campaigns, we were able to earn 10k USDC for the guild treasury.


With season 3 we started introducing the talent coordinator role as well as micro-holder holders for each social media channel. This allowed us to grow our guild in headcount and to dedicate more resources to leverage the characteristics of each social media channel. We plan to continue with this role and payment structure.


In Season 4 the Marketing Guild will continue to grow our organic social media reach on various channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok, LinkedIn, GM, etc.) via the micro-role holders that will be appointed for each channel. We are currently in the build-up of a content factory line (https://app.dework.xyz/banklessdao/ 1) that enables writer & designer talent joining forces and produce stunning educational content that can be shared by the micro-role holders in a coordinated effort through multiple social media channels. The result will be a stronger brand and increased reach and engagement on our channels. As an additional benefit, we will be able to coordinate bounty work more efficiently. After the successful connection between discord and “dework”, we will also test the integration of gnosis safe for smooth bounty hunting.

This continuously growing reach will be used within our marketing packages to sell promotional space for bDAO internal & external campaign requests. A key challenge this season will be to acquire new customers. Our Campaign Coordinator will focus on onboarding external projects that are willing to pay us in ETH, Stablecoin or BANK.

We believe that with the combination of guild internal coordinape rounds, micro-role holder payment and an improved bounty model (pairing of copywriter & Multimedia Marketeers) we will be able to retain the talent in the guild and increase our current output and reach.
