Title: Marketing Guild Season 6 Budget Proposal

Date Created: 2022-10-05

Date Posted: 2022-10-14


The Marketing Guild voted to be a Department and request 993k BANK for Season 6: This ask is an increase of 38% because of the higher workload and responsibility for our Micro-Role Holders and because there is a bigger need to support internal bDAO projects with funds from the Marketing Guild (instead of the project funds).

Summary of S06 Budget Request

Season 5 Objectives - Review

In the season 5 budget proposal we set clear goals for the marketing guild that should help us to drive the mission forward and support the bDAO overall. Let’s review:

All role holders of the marketing guild could not fully achieve the ambitious tasks that we set out to complete. However, we see progress on the KPI achievement and we identified pain points that need to be tackled for Season 6. We need to stay strong and grow our reach, Guild Operation, and talent acquisition to be perfectly set up for the next bull market.


With a clear distinction between bDAO campaigns that need support (Type A), projects that were born within bDAO and grew beyond (Type B), external clients (Type C), and recommended Marketeers (Type D) we were able to deploy the needed talent smoothly. All campaign types were used at least once this Season. Because of our work on building up a content factory line and having a dedicated Content Manager, we managed to produce content for those campaigns in an efficient and professional way. We also got better at pitching our services to clients which resulted in more Type C campaigns but due to the bear market, we could not convert all of those requests. Some of them postponed their interest towards the end of the year or just want to wait until the markets recover.

Our most valuable asset is our reach on social media and as mentioned above we achieved big gains on some of the platforms (Telegram, LinkedIn, Twitter) but the reset of our Facebook page was one of the big low-lights of this season.


The current financial structure of the marketing guild is solid and there will be only one change moving forward: We need a dedicated BANK budget for Type A campaigns (supporting internal bDAO projects) because we realized most project initiatives do not add marketing budget to their proposals. We also intend to increase the visibility of the marketing guild itself with the goal of spreading our product offering. In order to avoid a Marketing Gap, we propose to add 120k to our Multi-Sig to quickly support the guild and our BanklessDAO colleagues.

After analyzing the performance of our social media posts we realized that we need to pivot towards more video content (Stories, Reels, TikTok, YouTube?) because of the much higher engagement rates. That is why our future social media team will focus on video creation and allocate more bounties toward this type of content and intensify the cross-guild collaboration with AV Guild. Another important workstream will be the recovery of the Facebook Page and to increase the amount of original content on Twitter.