Prior to our Kickoff Meetup on Tuesday 11/22 at 1 PM ET (check your timezone), a reminder to:

Action Items:

  1. Join the bDAO Writers Guild Discord
  2. Send an introduction in #📚writers-cohort using the introduction template: Introductions Template

✅ Complete the ‣ ✅ Send an introduction in #📚writers-cohort using the introduction template: Introductions Template ✅ Subscribe to our Calendar ✅ Create a profile on a writing platform of choice

Hi there,

Onboarding Part 3 shares the Weekly Workflow—the Weekly Workflow will help you get the most out of the cohort, and it will ensure that everyone in the cohort is moving in the same direction.

☀️ Weekly Workflow

1**. Thursday: Send your new writing topic for the week in** #writers-cohort and write a Bullet Draft

2**. Tuesday: Publish your post, submit it via the Leaderboard Update Form, and share it on Discord + social media**