Best practices of project management in BanklessDAO

How to read this table?

This table is intended to be a collection of project management best practices of Bankless DAO. Best practices are aggregated by Project Management topics (first column). You will find that each Project Management topic appears in multiple rows, this reflects that more than one best practice (column three) has been recorded. For some best practices, the PLM working group has identified a challenge in Bankless DAO projects and developed best practices as a derivative for this challenge. In other cases, a best practice was observed in a project and hence added without a challenge.

Project Managers looking to learn from the best practices should find a Project Management topic that they want to learn about and read either through all the rows that outline the respective challenges and best practices. For best practices that were discussed in depth in the PLM working group, you can find more detailed information, if you see the below icon next to a Project Management topic.

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How do we collect best practices?

As a PLM working group, we observe best practices or challenges from projects. We can have two different situations:

PLM General Observations Document

Database (1)