
Translators’ Guild, at the moment when this document is written, has the following distribution of workload and remuneration scheme: There are 5 main role holders responsible of overlooking and managing 5 general areas of expertise, such as:

Besides these roles there have been 4 micro-roles responsible for managing smaller recurring tasks, in S6 these were:

Anything else besides this was management through a bounty system. The bounty system was used primarily for providing translation opportunities to guild members and creating a small collaboration opportunity with other projects in the DAO.


The remuneration system proved to be redundant, not providing any incentives outside of the work of the role holders and micro-role holders for community building and operations development initiatives. This ended up leaving a lot of pressure on the role holders and negatively impacting community building. In order to incentive other members to get involved and take initiative and to experiment with a different way of allocating resources I propose the following approach.


It has been discussed when writing the proposal for S7 that we will not have any budget planned for micro-role holders and rather it will be mostly allocate to organisation and coordination initiatives. This means that even the jobs that would recurrently be done by the micro-role holders will have to be allocated to either role holders or to other members of the community. Thus, I propose rethinking the way we utilise bounties within the guild. Here is my proposal:

Ad hoc bounty system + Retroactive remuneration system