Date of Proposal:

This proposal is sponsored by: (Only BC Associates can sponsor proposals)


Give us the TL;DR. In a couple sentences/bullet points, summarize the below proposal (most people do this section last 😉 )


What are you looking to accomplish? What will this proposed change do for Bankless Consulting.

Action Steps:

What are you proposing?

Who needs to be involved?

What do you need people to do?

Which steps in what order need to be followed?

(make this section as detailed as possible, the more you can provide on the what and why you are proposing, the more likely it is to be passed.)


What risks will the organization face if we make this change?

Now what?

  1. Be sure to read the BC governance cheat sheet
  2. Decide if this is a Formal or Informal Proposal
  3. Follow the steps outlined in the cheat sheet