Step 1: Proposing a Content Topic (can be proposed by any onboarded member of the Marketing Department)

Any onboarded member of the Marketing Department can propose a content topic in the Marketing General / Social Media / Content Strategy channels. It is ideal to share in the Marketing General channel to have the greatest visibility, and while proposing the content topic, they should tag the whole Marketing Department using the @Marketing Department tag.

The content topic, should come from content already published in the Bankless HQ newsletters, Bankless HQ podcasts and BanklessDAO Newsletters. This ensures that content that has already being thoroughly researched and edited, can be repurposed for content sharing via the bDAO social media channels.

Step 2: Gathering Consensus on a Proposed Content Topic

The onboarded Marketing Department member proposing a new topic should aim to achieve “soft consensus” on the topic, by adding a simple voting mechanism of “Yes” or “No” while proposing the topic (Step 1). Whether the topic is deemed acceptable by the Marketing Department for sharing on social media is assessed by the soft consensus.

The definition of a “soft consensus” is indeed soft - For example, 5 Yes and 1 No means that there is consensus, while 2 Yes and 2 No means no consensus, and 2 Yes and 5 No means no consensus. If consensus has been achieved, then we move to the next step, which is creation of the content (in essence repurposing because the content is already ready and has been published in the Bankless HQ and BanklessDAO social handles).

Step 3: Creating / Repurposing the Content

There are two important sub-steps within the broader step of creating the content, which is outlined below:

Step 3a: Deciding on the social media channels on which the content will go out

In Step 3a, we take an important decision of whether LinkedIn will or will not be the lead platform for the new content. Depending on this decision, there are two alternatives content creation / repurposing flows (please see below):





Step 3b: Repurposing the content for each of the social media channels in which the content will go out (as decided in Step 3a) via Dework bounties

The repurposing of the content in Step 3b is determined by the flow adopted in Step 3a, which is whether it is led or not led by LinkedIn.

Dework bounties are setup for content repurposing tasks for each of the social media handles. Dework bounties can be any or all from the list below:

Step 4: Applying, submission and approval of work for each of the Dework bounties

Interested contributors apply to each of the Dework bounties created for content repurposing.

Those who apply are assigned to the task by the bounty creator (in this case the Content Coordinator).

Contributors submit their work through Dework, a new thread opens up under the #social-media channel with the participating parties (Assignee(s) and Reviewer(s)). The discussion and feedback loop continues in this thread, while the submission of the final derivable remains on Dework.

Reviewers review submissions on Dework, provide feedback on the threads, accept revisions, and approve the submissions on Dework.

The final approved submissions are submitted on Dework by the contributors who applied to each respective bounty.

Step 5: Dissemination / sharing of repurposed content on respective social media channels

Micro-role holders of each social media platform pickup the approved submissions and share them on the respective social media platform they manage.

How does the Department go from a proposal for content creation until the execution (publishing)?