- The stats team is an entity within the IMN project whose sole purpose is to check the validity of the data collected from the IMNs, check if they qualify for active node status and calculate the KPIs for the month.
- The stats team is comprised of the Operations Lead elected within that season and two members elected by the IMN community on a monthly basis.
- Operation Lead: The Operation Lead, just like every other role holder within the IMN project has to be at least a Level 1 BanklessDAO contributor, be an active contributor to one of the nodes and be elected on their position by the IMN community at the end of the previous season.
- The other members of the stats team: The members have to be an active contributor to one of the nodes, and to be elected in a monthly vote by the IMN community.
Stats team election timeframe:
- The Operation Lead opens the sign-up form for the candidates for the IMN stats team position. The timeframe for this action should be between halfway through the month and one week before the month ends.
- When the sign-up period ends, the Operation Lead opens the polls for electing the team for that respective month
- The voting polls should end at the end of the month and the stats team elected and ready to check the numbers.
- The stats check should not take longer than a week within the new mont.
Stats checking procedure
- Each member of the stats team will pick an equal amount of nodes to check their stats
- The Operations Lead will assure that the data collection surveys for the node champions are made in a timely manner
- The reporting of the stats will be done on the following sheet:
- Ideally, to avoid conflict of interests, each member of the team should avoid checking their own nodes’ stats
- If there are any issues arising during checking the stats (i.e missing or incorrect information from the stats report, a node appears to be inactive) the members should first discuss the issue with the rest of the team, contact the troubled node for clarification and address the issue in the Weekly Meeting if the problem was not solved during the previous two steps. In the case it is during a gap week between seasons, the team will calculate the amounts that can be calculated without including the missing information and assure the partial or full payment of all the nodes that were not involved in the situation.