The newest version of the document is under this link:

Roles and Tags

Talent Coordination (Not Used)

Thank you, BanklessDAO team, for outlining great community guidelines which helped create this document.

Despite our backgrounds and situations, we all came to Bankless DAO with a purpose. That purpose is to help fulfill the mission of Bankless DAO by leveraging our skill sets.

With this in mind, our initial onboarding process is mission-critical to the organization's long-term viability, especially within the context of attracting and retaining talent.

Best Practices For Welcoming New Members

Step 1: The system only works if we do. Ensure they've completed all of the first quest series for becoming a Bankless DAO member.

All new members of Bankless DAO need to go through standard onboarding sessions, the same applies to Bankless Consulting members.

Note: We have onboarding protocols in place for a reason. We want everyone to succeed and be here long-term. Letting people skip the steps required to be successful isn't allowing them to be successful. Trust the process.

Ask them to complete the first quest series in its entirety. We put a lot of effort into making sure people are set up for success.

Step 2: Listen to what they have to say

Often, when people are in the get involved channel trying to get involved, they share personal details about their skill sets, abilities, and interests. These are potentially strong contributors. Those who just say hi are often the bench sitters.

Step 3: Let them know where to find the information they need to be successful.