State of the DAOs

You're reading State of the DAOs, the high-signal low-noise newsletter for understanding DAOs.

gm and welcome to State of the DAOs!

Starting in February, we are going to be featuring a weekly meta-governance section in State of the DAOs. At a high level, meta-governance is the name we’ve given to the practice of DAOs participating in the governance of other DAOs. On the ground, it’s contributors working hard to help further a mission and better the ecosystem.

As an introduction, we decided to sit down with ChatGPT and see what insights it could offer into the current state of DAO governance. TL;DR - ChatGPT would make an amazing DAO contributor.

As one would expect, it had some solid answers. When it came to why governance is important, it pretty much nailed it: it’s about alignment and direction. When describing the differences between on- and off-chain governance, it provided a useful example to illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of each. Regarding the major challenges facing DAOs, again, it really seemed to understand some of our struggles.

Perhaps the most insightful exchange was what role ChatGPT thinks AI could play in the future of DAO governance. You’ll have to read on for ChatGPT’s hot take on how AI could integrate itself into DAOs. So thanks ChatGPT — and see you in the halls of Discord.

After our DAO governance conversation, we share the TL;DR on some of the most recent DAO ecosystem takes and thought pieces, making it easy for you to cut through the noise and learn everything you need to know about the current state of the DAOs.

Contributors: BanklessDAO Writers Guild (angelspeaks, Leah_par, KingIBK, Oluwasijibomi, Quilia, Vi-Fi, HiroKennelly, siddhearta)

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Talking DAO Governance with ChatGPT

The following unedited transcript was set with the following parameters for voice and tone: use friendly language as well as metaphors and examples for difficult points.


Image credit: Tonytad

Why is governance important in DAOs?