Author: @Liquidiot

Original Post: February 19, 2022

Last Updated: April 25, 2022

Thanks for your interest in the New Contributor Bounty Program. If you have not read through the proposal document, please do so here. This document will walk you through the process from start to finish. Let’s dig in.

The basic bounty flow is as follows:

[Higher res version [here]](

Higher res version [here]

Step (shown in gray) Description
Touch base with the AV Guild Talent Coordinator The current Talent Coordinator can be found in #av-start-here. Reach out to express interest in #av-general (use tag <@insert talent coordinator name> and they will be in contact.
Note: The form found in #av-start-here allows you to schedule a meeting with the coordinator at the end of the form
Refer to the New Contributor Bounty Guide You are here! This is it! Welcome friend.
Do you have an AV Guild Tag? If not, head to #role-select and pick up the tag
Would you like to claim the new contributor bounty? If you are reading this, chances are ‘yes’
Have you introduced yourself in #av-general? It is important to let other members know who you are and what your intentions and goals are. If you want to succeed in the DAO space, you need to build your reputation and trust regardless of your level of anonymity. If your schedule permits, it is highly recommended that you attend the AV Guild Weekly meeting and introduce yourself.
Decide what to create This is your opportunity to express yourself and showcase your skills. For some ideas, see What can/should I create? below.
Post a sesh poll Sesh is a Discord bot and an important tool we use for governance. It is recommended you become familiar with the mechanics of this bot as soon as possible. Before you can get started, your request to claim the bounty needs to be voted on and passed by members of the AV Guild. This can be done via posting a poll in #av-gov using sesh. Once consensus is reached (quorum 15 members 51% in favor) you can get to work.
Note: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WRITE A FORMAL PROPOSAL, just a brief background and description. The process of posting a poll using sesh will be explained in further detail below
Did it pass? Yes - You can get to work.
No - Rethink and repost. Did you engage with members of the AV Guild? Did you point out that your poll was up? Did you give an accurate description and provide examples of previous work?
create! There will be a soft deadline of two weeks from the day the poll closes to post your deliverables in #av-action.
Feedback: You can post your progress as you go and ask for feedback (again in #av-action), work in the shadows and deliver when you are finished or any combination of both
Digital Asset Repository: You can reach out to @dashadmin in #av-action to request access to our online digital asset storage platform for use in your project.
Style Guide:
Submit by deadline There will be a soft deadline of two weeks from the day the poll closes to post your deliverables in #av-action.
Inform AV Talent Coordinator and AV Secretary of final submission When you post the final deliverable(s) in #av-action via file or link, please use the @ command to tag both the Talent Coordinator and Secretary and use the words “FINAL SUBMISSION” as a header. This info can be found in #av-start-here. The Secretary will be processing the bounty payout.
After final submission you have a few options 1. Mission complete: With the bounty complete you can continue at your own pace within the AV Guild
  1. Retro-remuneration Proposal: If you feel the value you provided far exceeds the amount you were compensated, you can draft a proposal for retro remuneration.
  2. New Project Proposal: The process of producing a deliverable may result in something that you would like to expand upon (ex. a short video that sparks an idea for a series of videos). In this case you can draft a proposal to possibly fund your idea within the AV-Guild or possibly the DAO Note: In the case of options 2 & 3 it is recommended that you reach out to the AV-Guild Governance Coordinator to help guide you through the process. |

What can/should I create? What provides value?

This is completely up to you, as the participant, to decide (e.g. a new creative asset, ideas, script, workflow, frameworks, or other value additive piece of work). What do you think would provide value to the AV Guild? In your sesh poll description it will be up to you to describe the value you are adding through completion of this bounty. It will then be up to the AV Guild members to express their opinion via the voting mechanism.

Here are some general guidelines for the deliverables:


Suggestions for deliverables created: