Welcome to the TBS service site!

We will briefly run you through the procedure.

If anything remains unclear upfront, do not hesitate to ping us in the Treasury Bridging System channel under “Treasury” in Discord using the following tag:


How to get started

Before sending:

We suggest you familiarise yourself with the TBS form first.

The form assumes that the amount you send to TBS (subject to fees where applicable) will after bridging be sent back to you in one sum. However, if required, and subject to your instructions in the “Other” field, you may want to instruct us to send tranches to different addresses. Please specify any details there.

Should you require this service, please be sure to enter something like: “See below” into the “Receiving wallet address” field, since it is a required field.

Once you want to go forward with bridging, just post a message using the @TBS tag in this channel and we will contact you. This will also give you the chance to ask any questions you may have, e.g. regarding the form or the time frame.


After all is clarified, please conduct the transaction to the designated wallet specified below before you submit the form, as you will need to include this transaction hash there!

When conducting the transaction, please always make sure that the wallet address corresponds to the network on which your assets are currently held. So if you want to have BANK bridged and you hold them on ETH mainnet, then send them to the ETH address below. Likewise, if you hold BANK on Polygon, please send them to the Polygon address below.

The multisig wallet addresses to where you need to send your assets to (which will mostly be BANK) are the following (in fact identical in this case - but its always good to make sure anyway):

For ETH network: 0x7C907E4Bd4df25eabfac614e338AC2abe34dDDe4

For Polygon network: 0x56953D2DAfF510f21a0D6D4476Fa402f0F0f53A2

After sending:

Once we receive your Tally form bridging request and have checked that your transaction has arrived, we can confirm this to you on the channel, unless you instruct us otherwise.

Once the bridging and transfer to your designated wallet address has been completed, we will likewise inform you by forwarding you the transaction hash.