The True DRM There’s a few different use cases here, but ultimately we want to see a single person’s relationship with one or many organizations. It shows that Maria is involved with 3 DAOs. She spends 63% of her time at xDAO with 10 proposals, made 50 votes, and holds 2 leadership positions. She has a deep relationship with xDAO, but is also a member at BanklessDAO. If BanklessDAO wants to start a relationship with xDAO, Maria will be a great place to start. The DRM holds this information about Maria (voluntarily shared by Maria), as well all other oped-in members to create a complete view of who has relationships where. This can be used for sales purposes (like a true CRM), but is mainly for understanding relationships.

LinkedIn for web3 The goal here is to create place for people to prove their ability (not just competency) via completed work and peer approval. Mark is active at vDAO and currently holds 2 leadership positions. He is actively contributing to 4 different projects - 2 as a product owner, 1 as a community manager, and 1 in new member orientation. All projects have been getting great feedback from his peers as shown via tips, approved proposals, successfully achieved KPIs, etc. His ability to complete these jobs at a high rate of success has been proven from his peers. He wants to add more to his plate, and is interested in BanklessDAO. Both orgs are on the platform, so all BanklessDAO members can see how valuable Mark has proven to be. BanklessDAO decides to make him a lead on an important project and work starts immediately.