Visor Finance (McGuyverWannabe)

• User creates Visor NFT smart vault ⇒ deposits assets ⇒ selects a Hypervisor ⇒ gets paid in fees

• Crypto is risky, DeFi is risky

• Upon Visor’s rebalance of every position, fees that Uniswap pays to the position holder is re-invested. Directly before the the re-investment is made Visor allocates 10% of those fees to a separate address which buys VISR on Uniswap and then distributes all VISR to those that are staked to the revenue Hypervisor.

• Worked at leading DeFi companies previously, creating the next wave of self-sovereign DeFi

• New DeFi protocols can approach Visor to bootstrap their liquidity rather than resort to costly LP incentives

• Possibility of "programmable liquidity" to guard against liquidity drop off when LP incentives end

• LPs retain custody and sovereignty of assets in Smart Vault so funds are not at risk (no rug pull)

• Smart contract risk (Supervisor/Hypervisor malfunction)

• Counterparty Risk (Uniswap winding up, collapse)

• Impermanent loss risk as an LP

• Marketplace for new DeFi protocols to bootstrap liquidity, instead of tapping on web2 to advertise on twitter, medium, discord, telegram

• Trading Unrealised Yield - If vault user needs capital but does not want to liquidate LP position, they can sell the future LP fees and rewards from their LP position to another party at a discount (think of $OHM bonds)

• Liquidity Locking (usually led by the project owner) - Allow vault user to timelock the liquidity he/she provides to a token position, boosting investor confidence that the liquidity will not be rugged after the cessation of rewards

• Goes to Uniswap (biggest, most established name) to experiment with LP-ing

• Sees the Add Liquidity pane and immediately confused about what is the best setting, so defaults to full range ⇒ low returns

• Or sets too narrow a range and earns no swap fees when there is a large change in price• Systemic risk in DeFi composability
