What is Notion?

Notion is collaborative document software. It allows everyone on a team to be able to create, edit, and organize shared documents. This includes text documents (like this one), media (like images, videos, etc), checklists, and databases (similar to spreadsheets).

How Does Notion Work?

Notion is a collection of pages filled with “blocks”. Blocks are the building blocks of any page — things you might be used to (like headers, paragraphs, bullets, and images), and things that are a bit more unique (like databases, embeds, and even other pages!)

<aside> 💡 Want to see all the different types of blocks? Go to a Notion page that you can edit and type / - a list of ALL the possible blocks will appear.


Every page also has “permissions” - a list of users and what they’re allowed to do on a page. This allows us fine-grained control in our shared documents. This is quite useful for a decentralized organization like BanklessDAO (see why in the next section). There are 4 types of permissions:

If you’d like to learn more about what Notion can do, please check out their ‣ guide, or check out this tutorial video:
