
Question: how can we streamline and standardize the grants application procedure, thus streamlining the process and increasing turnover? Will it facilitate members to take ownership of certain grants?

Step 1:

We use a project management tool like Asana to track grant writing and task tracking.

Once a member goes through the onboarding process and has picked a grant of interest

Step 2:

Reach out to the talent and project coordinator to determine grant fit for the project. (This should be within the week) This determination process can be a simple 30-minute sync. (This is actually what the grant sync should be about) if we’re working on submitting 4 grants in a month, then it would be more effective to dedicate one week to each grant writing and another week to review, edit and submit.


Week 1:

Grants writing

Week 2:

Review by the project coordinator and talent manager, editing and submission

But in between this process, somebody has to be an enforcer (reach out to grant writers once a week to determine progress or challenges they might be experiencing.