Authors: Icedcool

Editors: Treasury Department

Date: 11/11/23

Wallet surplus: 248,000

Funds requested: 147,000 BANK + 2k USDC

Multisig: 0x31016FFCEBFf16C20E74A8610f1650DCB5c01Df3

Multisig signers: Gruad, 0xBaer, nikhilbaranwal, Koruos, Icedcool

Department Purpose & Mission/Value Alignment

The Treasury Department is responsible for preserving, enhancing and supporting the DAO's financial and economic infrastructure.

Seasonal Summary

Seasonal KPIs

Produce Seasonal accounting reports to the DAO - ✅

Create incremental improvements on the tokenomics of the DAO - ✅

Create strategies to increase capitial efficiency at the DAO - ✅

Previous Season Activities

  1. Treasury Management
    1. Accounting
      1. Create accounting docs and focused on Multisig and Grants Committee
        1. LINK
      2. Reclaimed 2.5M BANK through investigative accounting.
        1. LINK
      3. Ensured payment of DASH to enable marketing efforts
    2. Treasury Diversification
      1. Identified diversification strategies
        1. Exploring platforms for automation.
      2. Balancer Liquidity Delegation to Treasury
        1. LINK
    3. Designed BANK Monetary policy
      1. DRAFT
  2. Tokenomics
    1. Tokenomics 1.0
      1. Weekly examined liquidity, usage, challenges and opportunities
        1. LINK
      2. Working towards contributor payment with tlBANK
        1. Identified UI challenges and bugs
        2. tlBANK architecture challenges
      3. Pivoted from Season pass plans to Level revisions and strengthening
        1. [TEMP CHECK] - BanklessDAO Citizenship Upgrade v1
        2. bDIP-N: Guest Pass and Voting Addendum
  3. Treasury Department Governance
    1. Kicked off a forum to enable long form discussion and debate around Treasury Department Proposals