<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1315f878-0b7a-4e0c-9c14-af88a0a385f2/party-parrotBowBrain.gif" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1315f878-0b7a-4e0c-9c14-af88a0a385f2/party-parrotBowBrain.gif" width="40px" /> This page contains a link to each individual Workflow created by the Marketing Workgroup.

WorkGroups, WorkStreams, and WorkFlows [IN REVIEW]


Marketing Workflows

🚨 This is a menu page. All links on this page should use the”@” symbol to “Link To Page” except the primary reference doc highlighted with a yellow background directly below this message.


Content Publishing Workflows

Writing & Copy Edits

Newsletter Workflow

Episode Title + Description Workflow

Chapter Titles + Timestamps Workflow

Transcription Editing Workflow

Media Publishing

Social Media Workflows

YouTube Publishing Workflow

Twitter, Instagram & LinkedIn? Workflow [DRAFT]

Direct to Community Workflow: Discord, Telegram, etc


How to Create a New POAP (Event organisers)