
What Is DAO Cartography?

DAO Cartography is the act of mapping your DAO in your Sobol instance. This mostly entails mapping the Teams, Roles, and People in your DAO, and assigning them correctly.

Good DAO Cartography looks like this, and is the result of many people in a DAO working together to make sure the map is accurate, information-rich, and up-to-date.

The education lead organizes Sobol Editor trainings during seasons to include more contributors. Follow #dao-cartography channel if you are interested to get the training.

How to Map Bankless DAO

After the training, Sobol editors are able to grab mapping tasks from DAO Cartography task board


Education Assets

Cartography Governance

More on Governance

DAO Cartography Governance

Coordination Meetings : Fridays, 2pm UTC

Work Session Meetings: Mondays, 2pm UTC


The Bankless DAO Map

Meeting Notes



DAO Cartography Quickstart Guide

DAO Cartography Meeting Notes